Thesign: a tale of two souls

Thesign srl sprouts from the creative encounter between Salvo Nicosia e Stefano Liardo, and it brings together two souls: design and decor. It’s an interior design studio which integrates a wonderful Show-room, where furnishings and accessories create an unique space through embracing forms and art, combining materials and colours.
Salvo e Stefano, together with their team, conceive exclusive residences while being constantly inspired by design. Each product exposed in the Show-room is the result of an accurate research and, in this context, the selection of Cantori furniture could not be missed, since it is an icon of beauty and elegance, pure exaltation of Italian manufacture.
Two souls, the design one and the decorative one, which thanks to companies as Cantori create a mixture of unique atmospheres where the design is the real protagonist.
To receive further information contact Cantori Thesign store

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