Black Moon, between aesthetics and art

Black moon finish, like Blue moon and Green moon, is completely handmade by local artist Marta Bontempi.
Marta Bontempi is a set designer and artist based in Ancona, Italy.
She has always made various kinds on commission paintings, but in recent years his artistic skills are concentrated mainly on restoration and decoration of furniture and furnishings.
During the realization of Black Moon decoration, in Marta Bontempi’ studio, a lighted salt lamp and new age music can not be missed.
The multilayer wooden base is painted in pale gold and a thick layer of disruptive solution is brushed on top, usually used for aging, in this case carrier to create random forms, strains and color filaments.
Above this solution, the artist applies a gently light handed regular brushstrokes, to form strips of acrylic, which immediately come to life. The final touch is given by a simple hairdryer directing the color’s journey to fill spaces and taking original aesthetic paths.
It is fascinating to see how a decoration is art, how a console becomes sculpture and every single piece. The opposite would be impossible.

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