Avantgarde Collection


Avantgarde Collection


The Oasi sofa system consists of different elements, and it is extremely versatile, able to find its place in any context and to compose different, multifunctional configurations, from the classic angular sofa, to the ergonomic chaise longue or the ottoman.
The Modular oasis sofa includes different modules with two/three seats each. The internal structure is made of beech wood and poplar multilayer with multilayer inserts, the springing is guaranteed by undeformable elastic straps. The structure is covered in high-density polyurethane foam with two different densities, the upper layer having a high elastic component. The cushions are made in non-deformable and variable-density feathers, and a synthetic layer. A laser-cut bronzed metal plate envelops the sofa, functioning as a decoration and simultaneously creating a luminous reflection in the upholstery. The chaise longue has an extended backrest used to contain the pouf. The pouf is covered with a delicate tufted upholstery. The round island has a circular back with a padded metal structure, upholstered in leather This modularity allows the creation of different shapes, depending on the chosen modules, that can be rearranged from time to time.

Sofa with right corner - cm 540x354x80 h
Sofa with left corner - cm 540x354x80 h
Left Corner - cm 180x180x80 h
Pouf - cm 60x105x40 h
Corner - cm 180x180x80 h
Left chaise longue - cm 220x180x80 h
Right chaise longue - cm 220x180x80 h
Middle seat - cm 140x100x80 h
Left module with armrest - cm 200x100x80 h
Right module with armrest - cm 200x100x80 h
Left Peninsula - cm 174x174x80 h
Right Peninsula - cm 174x174x80 h
Round Dormeuse - cm 174x174x80 h

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